Database Objects
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IGlobalDatabaseObjects interface

The IGlobalDatabaseObjects interface aids in maintaining a class library's abstraction layer when external objects (objects outside of the class library) need to be used. For example, if we had two DLL class libraries, the first an Inventory class library that exposes, amongst other classes a collection of Product objects and the second library needs to use the Product objects provided by the Inventory library. In particular, it needs to be able to store and load a Product using it's distinct value (ProductID). So rather than exposing a public function in the Inventory library to load a Product using it's distinct value (ProductID) the Products class can implement the IGlobalDatabaseObjects interface. Implementing this interface allows a product to be loaded from it's distinct value without exposing a public function - thereby maintaining a degree of abstraction between the two dlls. Conversely, the product's distinct value (ProductID) can be extracted by calling DBO.ObjectDistinctValue.

This interface provides a model for maintaining an abstraction between two seperate class libraries. For an example, see GlobalObject, IGlobalDatabaseObjects_Object or the Products class in the NorthwindDB demonstration program.

Object(ByVal vDistinctValue As Variant) As IDatabaseObject