Should return an SQLSelectOrderByFields object containing the list of fields the collection will be sorted by. Just as with an SQL statement, the order of the fields added to the collection indicates the group sorting. If IDatabaseObjects.TableJoins has been implemented then fields from the adjoining table or tables can be utilized. The sort order is used by the ObjectByOrdinal, ObjectByOrdinalFirst and ObjectsSearch functions. Should return Nothing if no ordering is required. Implementing this function is optional.

Namespace: DatabaseObjects
Assembly: DatabaseObjects (in DatabaseObjects.dll) Version:


SQLSelectOrderByFields OrderBy()
Visual Basic
Function OrderBy As SQLSelectOrderByFields
Visual C++
SQLSelectOrderByFields^ OrderBy()

Return Value

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:DatabaseObjects.IDatabaseObjects.OrderBy"]


Protected Function OrderBy() As SQL.SQLSelectOrderByFields Implements IDatabaseObjects.OrderBy

    OrderBy = New SQL.SQLSelectOrderByFields
    OrderBy.Add("ProductCode", SQL.OrderBy.Ascending)

End Function

See Also