Obsolete - use DistinctFieldAutoAssignment instead. This function is subordinate to DistinctFieldAutoAssignment and should only be used for backwards compatibility. Should return whether the Distinct field as specified in the associated collection's IDatabaseObject.DistinctField is an identity (SQL Server) or autonumber (Microsoft Access) field. If set to true, then the IDatabaseObject.DistinctValue value is set when a new object is saved.

Namespace: DatabaseObjects
Assembly: DatabaseObjects (in DatabaseObjects.dll) Version:


[ObsoleteAttribute("Obsolete and replaced by DistinctFieldAutoAssignment to support both auto increment and automatically assigned globally unique identifiers.")]
bool DistinctFieldAutoIncrements()
Visual Basic
<ObsoleteAttribute("Obsolete and replaced by DistinctFieldAutoAssignment to support both auto increment and automatically assigned globally unique identifiers.")> _
Function DistinctFieldAutoIncrements As Boolean
Visual C++
[ObsoleteAttribute(L"Obsolete and replaced by DistinctFieldAutoAssignment to support both auto increment and automatically assigned globally unique identifiers.")]
bool DistinctFieldAutoIncrements()

Return Value

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:DatabaseObjects.IDatabaseObjects.DistinctFieldAutoIncrements"]


Protected Function DistinctFieldAutoIncrements() As Boolean Implements IDatabaseObjects.DistinctFieldAutoIncrements

    Return True

End Function

See Also