Should return an instance of the class that is associated with this collection of objects. This is the generic version of the ItemInstance function. It is suffixed with an underscore so that it does not conflict with the underlying non-generic equivalent ItemInstance function. It's purpose is indentical to the non-generic version. If this function is not overriden an object of type T will be created. The type T must have a default constructor or a constructor that accepts a type of DatabaseObjects.Generic.DatabaseObjects or a subclass.

Namespace: DatabaseObjects.Generic
Assembly: DatabaseObjects (in DatabaseObjects.dll) Version:


protected virtual T ItemInstance_()
Visual Basic
Protected Overridable Function ItemInstance_ As T
Visual C++
virtual T ItemInstance_()

Return Value

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:DatabaseObjects.Generic.DatabaseObjects`1.ItemInstance_"]


Protected Overrides Function ItemInstance_() As Product

    Return New Product

End Function

See Also