Indicates that either Execute or ExecuteNonQuery is going to be used and that a connection needs to be opened if one is not already. If in transaction mode (Transactions.Begin has been called) then the current connection is left opened. If not in transaction mode then a new connection is opened. Always call Start before using Execute or ExecuteNonQuery whether in transaction mode or not as the library will open the connection if necessary. Once the connection is no longer required, call Database.Connection.Finished() or Database.Transactions.Commit(). If called within a TransactionScope() then a database transaction is automatically started.

Namespace: DatabaseObjects
Assembly: DatabaseObjects (in DatabaseObjects.dll) Version:


[ObsoleteAttribute("Use DatabaseObjects.ConnectionScope")]
public void Start()
Visual Basic
<ObsoleteAttribute("Use DatabaseObjects.ConnectionScope")> _
Public Sub Start
Visual C++
[ObsoleteAttribute(L"Use DatabaseObjects.ConnectionScope")]
void Start()


This feature is particularly relevant when database records are locked during transactions. If a second connection outside of the DatabaseObjects library is used then a possible deadlock could occur. Using the Execute and ExecuteNonQuery functions means that a new connection is opened if not in transaction mode or the current transaction connection is used - thereby avoiding potential deadlocks.

See Also